luni, 24 mai 2010

Oh, take me right here right now, woman! Cause I'm very good at data processing

I never understood this dating videos crap. I mean, what do you actually do ? Do you stand in front of a camera trying to make yourself look good when deep inside you're just feeling miserable and lonely cause you couldn't get a women by 40 and you're afraid of your kid's colleagues to ask him "Was that your grandpa?" ? Or, do you stand in front of a camera simply trying to be someone else, hoping that this way you're finally going to find the perfect woman in your life, and then be "yourself" again for the rest of your life with her ? Or do you just stand in front of a camera narrating some lame lines that don't even represent you and hoping that someone else (=the person who wrote the lines) knows better then you how you can get a woman in your bed, if you don't know how ? I guess not...I guess it must be the famous World War II movie you're currently shooting, the load of data you're processing, the hilarious funny man you are even if at this lame video dating line you're simply boring. Or you could hit the Big Brother and then all the women will love you for who you are! The funny part is, If I were gay and would see a tape like this, I'd probably be straight again for the rest of my life without any regrets whatsoever.

Please watch it 'til the end, it's really like "bottle of wine after you just crossed the desert". With thanks to Dailymotion vial

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